
Strategic Planning : How to Make a Well-Planned Event

Hi there fellows! I’m Gabrielle, and I’d like to tell you how to make a well-planned program in this post. Therefore, I think this information might be useful for school activists, etc.

First point is about Leadership Skills in Program Planning.
>>> Organization of Resources
- People = Delegation-giving people direct responsibility over specific task to enable to leader to better supervise the entire project.
- Materials = Determining what kind of materials are needed and gathering neccessary supplies for the program
- Time = Planning meetings, work days, and preparation so that time will be used effectively
>>> Communication
Sending clear message and directions to organize tasks, people, and resources (supplies and funding). How do people communicate well?
- Giving clear instructions
- Listening to others’ ideas and input
- Soliciting support (Ex : Supplies, volunteers, financings)
-And advertising
>>> Group Management
We need to make sure some things, like :
- Task and assignments are not too much for group members to carry out
- The quality of the program is maintained
- People who will do the task
- What task need to be done

My second point, and also my last point is about 5W+1H of program planning.
>>> WHY
Actually all question like who, how, what, where, and when exsist because of why. We need to determine the reason for having a program. What do you want the people to come away with/get out of the program?
Every program must align with school/church/personal belief and values.
You need to ask yourself these question to make it easier : Why are you planning this program? What do you want to accomplish?
>>> WHO
We need to determine the audience we will be addressing like : their ages, background, needs, interest, and how many.
We also need to determine the staff, who will help us, as the program maker. How many volunteers do we have? What skill do they have? If the staff we got still not enough, we can hire them (ex : guest speaker, music group, catering)
Questioning yourself : Who is attending? Who will help?
>>> WHAT
We need to determine types of programs we may be asked to head up. Like theme night, musical concert, cultural event, bible study, school dinner, fundraisers and so on.
And, don’t forget about what equipments we will use too. What equipments do we need to support the program? Is it technology? Is it craft supplies? Or is it foods?
Before choosing the location, we need to know in what season the program will be held.
We also need to decide whether the location will determine what kind of event or if whether the events determines the location. Is it in open space? Or indoor?
Deciding whether the location fits to budget is important too. And don’t forget to book the location to make it available. If you don’t have enough budget, I think you can use some free places like your own school, church, etc. But don’t forget to think about the hitch too
>>> HOW
We need to determine estimated cost based off of anticipated attendance, needed supplies, and hired helps. Don’t forget to create the budget, determine the source of the money (ow, sponsor will be needed too), and documentation.
And the most important thing : Don’t forget to make the rundown of the events.
Questioning yourself : How will you pull it off?

Thank you for giving 5 minutes of your life reading this post. Hope this post would be useful for you. I'm looking forward for your events!

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